The Only Authorized Yamaha Music School in Mississauga

Music Wonderland
Music Wonderland (Ages 3 - 4)
Semester Program
September to January
February to June
Class duration: 40 min
Max class size: 6 students
Music Wonderland is designed to provide children with an introduction to music in a positive and enjoyable atmosphere. Together with their parents, children experience singing, introductory keyboard activities, movement, and listening to music. Music Wonderland lays the foundation for a lifetime of enjoyable music making through these carefully planned activities.
Let’s Have Fun by Listening
Children listen to short pieces of music to help them understand various expressions and nuances in music. Through imaginative stories and actions, children learn the differences between soft/loud, low/high, fast/slow and various other musical elements.
Let’s Have Fun with Keyboard
Children play short rhythmic/melodic patterns set to music on the keyboard. This part of the course aims to enable children to play a variety of tones and rhythms concretely through the keyboard. Playing complete repertoire pieces will come in the next Junior Music Course for 4-5 year olds.
Let’s Enjoy Singing
Children develop the foundation for musical expression through lyric singing. Many different styles of music are taught with creative actions that help children become rhythmically and musically more sensitive. Towards the end of the course, children are also taught basic solfege singing (Do-Re-Mi).
Rhythm Step
Children listen and express the unique rhythms of music with their whole body. This gives active 3-yr olds a time and place to move around and enjoy music from within.
Music Appreciation
Children learn to appreciate music through listening to Picture-Card Show stories set to music as well as listening to teacher’s monthly performance.