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How Drum Circles Help with Mental Health Wellness

Team (Perfect Harmony Music studio) was invited to host an in-person drumming event at Corpus Christi Catholic Secondary School to promote the benefits that drumming has on mental health. Samuel Liu, who had led the drum circle event alongside Ms. Abi and Ms. Karen. This event showed the students at Corpus Christi to

“pause for a mental health break and focus on mindfulness, community building and the gift of our faith”

Samuel Liu, had demonstrated a powerpoint presentation regarding the benefits of a drum circle such as, stress and anxiety relief, boost immune system, produce feelings of well-being, induces deep relaxation and mindfulness, as Samuel says

"research shows that we can cut down burn out rate by 94% if we drum regularly".

Our drum circle assistants wanted to share their experience when working with the teachers and students at Corpus Christi,

"Although it was early in the morning, the students and staff's energy immediate boosted, and at the end everyone was smiling and excited for more and their emotion became elevated and related back to the mental health awareness" - Karen Kwok

“I've had the privilege to assist alongside teacher Sam with a drum circle at a Burlington high school and it's always amazing to see the smiles from the students during the drum circle and after the drum circle which to me is highly satisfying to witness. It would be a success to see more and more schools (both in the public and private) include facilitated drum circles in their school activities.” - Abigail Natnat, Drum Circle Assistant

Videos and photos from the event can be seen on these Twitter accounts:

With this successful event wrapping up, it was visible that the students and teachers from Corpus Christi had benefited from this drum circle and learned something new, which is that drumming can bring a lot of different benefits and can be done in big groups.

If you’re considering doing a drum circle with your peers or loved ones look no further, we offer HealthRHYTHMS Drum Circles through and other events. Keep an eye out on our website and social media platforms for more information.

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